Our data registry is powerful, flexible, EMR-agnostic, and supports the submission of data for all MIPS performance categories.

HealthAdvanta’s data registry is the centerpiece of its MIPS services portfolio. The registry aggregates your data for all MIPS Performance Categories, enabling you to track and review projected MIPS scores in near real-time via a web-based dashboard.

Our registry can ingest data from most any EMR platform in any number of industry-standard formats, including EDI 837 and QRDA. We can also build parsers to ingest data from custom, structured data files produced by your system. To date, HealthAdvanta has accepted data from more than 22 unique EMR platforms.

As an approved Qualified Registry and an approved Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR), HealthAdvanta can also take care of transmitting all of your MIPS data to CMS on your behalf, making submission simple and seamless. Or, if you are using multiple mechanisms for submitting your MIPS data (e.g. if you are an ACO and are using the CMS Web Interface to report your providers’ Quality measures), you can designate only certain performance categories to report.

Our registry is a convenient reporting tool, but also it is a powerful performance management tool separate and apart from the MIPS program. Within the registry, it is possible to drill down to individual patient encounters, helping you to identify causes of sub-optimal scoring and to target your improvement efforts to specific providers or processes.

Quality Measures Supported

Our Qualified Registry and our QCDR support all available MIPS quality measures and all electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs).

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