HealthAdvanta has helped thousands of providers, ranging from solo practioners to large physician organizations, achieve their MIPS performance goals.

HealthAdvanta provides a comprehensive MIPS reporting solution for independent practices, hospital-owned physician groups, and ACOs. Our understanding of the MIPS Final Rule is second to none, and we pride ourselves on the depth and breadth of our thought leadership.

An engagement always begins with determination of an optimal MIPS reporting strategy aligned with your specific goals for the program. We will help you select the right complement of measures for your organization, taking into consideration your existing model of care and your available resources. We can help you implement and improve clinical workflows to drive results.

We can also prepare your data submission package to CMS, whether you choose to work with an external registry provider or with HealthAdvanta’s own data registry.

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For Medical Practices
For Hospitals/ Systems
For ACOs and APMs